Partner Organizations

SingWell works collaboratively with partners across Canada who are helping more people tap into the benefits of group singing. Our partner organizations represent speech-language pathologists, second language teachers, newcomer organizations, music therapists, choral groups, leaders in social prescribing, people living with communication challenges and the organizations who support them, and other leaders at the intersection of music and wellbeing. Together, we are helping to grow and improve access to the practice of group singing in ways that intentionally promote wellbeing. 

Alberta Health Services

Alliance for Healthier Communities

Alzheimer Society Toronto

Amica on the Avenue

Aphasia Choirs
Go Global

Aphasia Institute

Association Bégaiement Communication


BC Brain Wellness Program

Better Breathing Choir

Canadian Association of Music Therapists

Canadian Hearing Services

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

L’Institut canadien de prescription sociale

Canadian Social Prescribing Student Collective

Canadian Lung Association

Canadian Opera Company

Canadian Stuttering Association

The Chang School of Continuing Education

Chigamik Community Health Centre

Choir Alberta

Choirs Ontairo

Choral Canada

Community Music Schools of Toronto


High Notes Avante


Manitoba Choral Association

March of Dimes

March of Dimes Canada

Massey Hall & Roy Thomson Hall

Memorial University

Music and Health Research Institute

Institut de recherche en musique et santé

New Brunswick Choral Federation

Parkinson Canada

Nova Scotia Choral Federation

Pius Hospital Oldenburg

Research Institute for Aging

Saskatchewan Choral Federation

Schlegel villages

Singing for Health Network

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada

Singing with Parkinson’s

Toronto Metropolitan University | Faculty of Arts

U-Turn Parkinson’s


Wellbrook Place (Partners Community Health)

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