WellSingAdmin Singing on Prescription: Breathing New Life into Care Pathways for Individuals with Lung Health Challenges
WellSingAdmin The Psychosocial Benefits of Virtual Group Singing Using Low-Latency Technology (Pilot)
WellSingAdmin How Important is the “Group” in Group Singing? An Unbiased Investigation of Group Singing Benefits for Wellbeing
WellSingAdmin Group Singing to Improve Communication and Wellbeing for Persons with Aphasia or Parkinson’s Disease
WellSingAdmin Effects of an Online Group-Singing Program for Older Adults with Breathing Disorders on Lung Health, Functional Capacity, Cognition, Quality of Life, Communication Skills, and Social Inclusion
WellSingAdmin Group Singing and its Effect on Cortisol, Oxytocin and Pain Threshold in Parkinson’s Disease Patients